If you've been on the internet, you know what nyan cat is. A while back, one of the blogs I was following posted something that read along the lines of "I Nyaned for ten minutes!" or something and below that, there was a link. When I clicked that link, I saw what was Nyan Cat. 
 This adorable poptart cat with a rainbow coming out of his caboose became a pop culture sensation in hours. I couldn't check Facebook without seeing people post "I'VE NYANED AND I CAN'T STOP." I'm actually "nyaning" right this second. That little cat sings a harmonious melody of nyans that seeps into your brain and makes you challenge yourself to see how long you can possibly take the hypnotic sound.
Nyan cat has taken a few different forms such as the famous poptart, and a piece of toast but my favorite was when he surprised us on 4/20 as he dressed up as a Rastafarian once the clock hit 420 seconds. Silly Nyan cat.
Next time you play, click the lower the volume as many times as you can until.. well you'll see.
Jacksfilms Parody:
By the end of this blog post I NYANED FOR 900 SECONDS.

Penulis : Cassidy ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

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