Ok, so if you're not familiar with Borderlands, it's an FPS-RPG for PS3, PC, Mac, and X360. It take place on a post-apocalyptic planet, and you play as one of four characters. Each character is like a class. There's an all-around soldier, a super strong berserker, a sniper, and my favorite, the fast moving siren. Basically, you're on this world and you can do whatever. You can go get quests from NPC's or just ride around in a car and shoot people. Of course, there's also a great main quest involving a treasure hunt for a mysterious vault, rumored to have the greatest treasures of all time.
The entire game can be played in 4-player co-op. Ideally, each person would use each class, so you have a balanced team, but you aren't forced to do that. You could have 4 Soldiers if you wanted to. One of my favorite things to do is to get a few friends together and go on a rampage through the world. It's ridiculously fun.
Borderlands has an amazing amount of content, containing hundreds of guns, grendae mods, class mods, shields, locations, and enemies. It guarantees hours and hours of play-time, and never gets old.
As for graphics, Borderlands did something interesting and went with a cel-shaded look, like Sly Cooper. It looks good and matches the mood of the game.
Now when I say that cel-shading matches the mood, I mean that the game is light-hearted and funny. Don't get me wrong, Borderlands can get serious, but it has a side-splitting core. For example, there is one person who is brought back to life after being stabbed (I won't say who, how or when to avoid spoilers). As soon as this person is alive again they immediately say "Where am I and who put this whole here?!".
So in the first paragraph, I mentioned DLC. Borderlands had 4 releases of DLC. Each one lasts a few hours, adds a lot, and is amazing in it's own way. I bought the game of the year edition, which came with all four DLC's, and I highly reccommend saving money by getting it.
The best way that I can summarize Borderlands is that it's a lot like Fallout 3, only more light-hearted, and, in my opinion, better. Borderlands is also more fast-paced and action packed thatn Fallout 3, and the co-op only helps more. Even better, think of Borderlands as a cross between Call of Duty and Fallout 3. And like I said, it'll last a long time, and is wildly fun. In fact, this review was short because I want to go play more Borderlands. Go get this game. Now.
Final Score: 5 out of 5
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