As a kid, the Nintendo 64 was easily my favorite console, and one of the best games on that console was Yoshi's Story. You play as 6 different Yoshi's (each a different color) as they try to get their Super Happy Tree back from Baby Bowser. Why does Baby Bowser have the Yoshi's Super Happy Tree? Because he's evil. Also, the game is called "Yoshi's Story" because it all takes place inside of a story book. The world wasn't always a story book, but Bowser used magic to make it that way. Again, evil.
The story book aspect of the story justifies the 2D side-scrolling gameplay. Most games for the N64 utilized an open 3D world. Yoshi's story went with a classic gameplay method, but still utilized 3D graphics that make the game look just the way it wants to. Cute.
The object of each level in Yoshi's Island is to eat 30 pieces of fruit while navigating the level. Enemies stand in Yoshi's way (mainly Shy Guys), so Yoshi is able to turn enemies into eggs, which he can throw at other enemies to kill them. Eating fruit or an enemy replenishes Yoshi's health. There is also a lucky fruit chosen by the player at the beginning of the game that will completely refill your health if eaten. And if a Yoshi does die, you continue the level as a different Yoshi. Essentially, you have 6 lives for the entire game. Unfortunately, if you run out of those lives, then you have to start over from the beginning. Yoshi's Story doesn't take death lightly. But, there are only 6 different levels, so it isn't that hard of a game. But there is a lot of replayability. To be accurate, there are actually 24 levels, but you only go to 6 in each playthrough.
The music in Yoshi's Story is some of the most memorable music I've ever heard. The main theme is the kind of song that will quickly get stuck in your head really fast, but you'll be glad it's there. Also, the music can change at any time in the game since it's tied to your health. If you have full health, it's fast-paced and happy. However, as your health drops, the music becomes slower and sadder, encouraging you even more to eat some fruit. It think Yoshi's Story might try to brainwash kids into eating helthy...
If you never got to experience Yoshi's Story, it is available as a downloadable virtual console game on the Wii. I rebought it and play it from time to time, and I highly suggest you do the same.
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