E3! It's in a week! So here's some predictions!

Ok, so E3 is really soon, and I know I can't wait. Anyway, here's what I think the big 3 (Microsft, Sony and Nintendo) are gonna do:

Microsoft: Microsoft is going to preview some of their hot fall games, like the new Call of Duty, the new Halo, Borderlands 2, and the DLC for Skyrim, Dawnguard. They'll probably announce some new games too, hopefully completely new IP's and not just a sequel. Kinect games and xbox apps will also probably spotlighted. The return Netflix parties better be announced... or else... There's also a small chance of a new Xbox being announced, but I really hope it doesn't. I love my 360...

Sony: Sony is going to be talking about their exclusives, like Sly Cooper 4, the new God of War,  Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale (Smash Bros with Parappa the Rapper) and The Last of Us (Left 4 Dead meets Fallout). They'll probably announce some changes to the Playstation Network, which needs some serious improvement. There's also always the hope of amazing new games, and maybe even a new console. The Vita will also be focused on a lot. Sony's newest handheld hasn't been met with the best reception. It just needs better games.

Nintendo: Nintendo will definitely be using E3 to showcase their new console, the WiiU. Launch titles will be a huge focus of this showcase. A new Pikmin game is definitely being announced, and my bet is on it being the flagship WiiU game. Nintendo will also talk about their 3DS, which could definitely use some improvements, as evidenced by its horrible sales and lackluster game library. I'm hoping that a new model of the 3DS is announced, preferably with 2 analog sticks. Some 3DS games will definitely be announced.

All in all, it looks like Microsoft is playing it safe and sticking to what it's been doing at E3 lately. No big announcements, just features on known games. Meanwhile, Nintendo and Sony will be trying to save their handhelds, and showing off a lot of new stuff. This gives them both some huge potential at this year's show.I can't wait to see how it all turns out next week!


Heeey! Do you like the Banjo Kazooie?

Cause we've got some. Eventually...

Max Payne 3: Short Review!

Hey everyone! First off, it's nice to be back after our weird hiatus!
And second... it's time for a little review (; we all love reviews. 
Now, this is going to be a sort of a short review and by that I mean I'm not going to give off much of the story! 

Jumping right into it, Max Payne 3 was probably one of the most insane and heart wrenching games I've ever played. You seriously feeling like crying throughout the game at the horrible luck this guy has had! Rockstar really has brought it back. As most of you know, Max Payne is a city cop who is trying to overcome the trauma from the murder of his wife and baby, which is just terrible. In Max Payne 3, he finally hits rock bottom and you find him in Brazil. He's hittin' the liquor, poppin' some pills and basically staying out of the way while wallowing in his tragedy... at first. Max then shaves his nice head of hair and is back in the action! This game really followed into the overall plot nicely.
 (At first, I was upset at him shaving his Bradley Cooper based hair, but there are flashbacks, so it all worked out!)

The gameplay is just overall awesome. Not perfect, but awesome.
 Bullet-time is of course the main focus in this game and it works very well! Rockstar has truly outdone itself with physics and animation. Bullets rip through bodies while leaving behind devastating damage and enemies will react realistically depending on where they are shot. The graphics really make the fire fights in this games ten billion times better! Not to mention, the voice acting is phenomenal. The only problems I have with the gameplay is that the controls are a little whacky and whenever Max hits something, it leaves him a little vulnerable (but that's how realistic it is!) it seems. ONE MORE THING: you'll love his witty comments!

 Little advice: 
You really have to pay attention to where you use the bullet dodge in this game. Your dodge will be cut short if you do it too close to a wall or other object (;

I hope this gave some of you an outlook on Max Payne 3! And really, honestly, you do not have to play the other two games before you play this one. It explains everything you need to know.

This trailer ACTUALLY sums up the game perfectly, in case you're interested!

Happy gaming!
- Emalie~<3


Editorial: Black Flops II : Treyarch Is At It Again

Well, by the looks of it, another Battle Field is coming out! Wait, no, it's, oh God, another Black Ops.
Yes, you have all watched the momentous trailer and it is set in stone official that Black Ops II will be released. Now, you know, I am a believer of Call Of Duty. The games carry a great story line throughout their branches (for the most part) and it serves as a pretty good first person shooter, but in the debate of Treyarch and Infinity Ward, all of my money is set on IF. Those guys deliver. You saw my MW3 review. They stay true to the CoD style and the scheme of things, so why is it that everyone seems to be so up in arms about Black Ops? Maybe because like BO, it reeks.

Where Treyarch Went Wrong: 

Treyarch, we understand that you want to prove yourself and show that you guys can push out another Black Ops, bravo on actually rallying up the troops and pulling everything together to make yet another crappy game (must have taken a hefty amount of pride to swallow, huh?) But you went wrong in so many aspects of the game. First of all, the time gap. You go from the age of Kennedy and Creedence Clearwater's Fortunate Son to this 2025 time period of hovercrafts and shiny chrome buildings. The only thing that carries over from the first game, as it seems, is Woods. And he's in a wheelchair. HE SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ALIVE. If he was say, thirty or thirty-five around the time of the first game, he'd be about ninety. This game just has too many gaps for me to handle.
Secondly, can someone please explain to me the plot and how it go this confusing? Okay, the numbers, yeah, where are the numbers represented in the trailer? The numbers were a HUGE part of the first game, Mason and his god forsaken numbers, and yet there is no evidence of numbers. You cannot just cut off a factor like the numbers and carry on. It's not as easy. There was no major villain shown, that should usually be there to clear up a few things, it's just a confusing mess.
The style. I mean, is this a joke? It is such a dead ringer for Battle Field that it's not even funny. The scene with Woods literally looks like the beginning of BF3. I get it, Battle Field is a huge competitor for the CoD franchise, but making your game look aesthetically identical to the enemy is the complete and total wrong way to go about this. The detail and styling of the game is it's identity. You make it look like Battle Field and what have you got? A cheap rip off with a terrible storyline and poor writers. And people call me crazy for liking MW3, hey at least that game stays true to the original plot, picking up right where it left off, keeping the same villains, not leaving out any of the plot. Black Ops is just a sad excuse for a CoD game. 

Where Treyarch Went Right:

Honestly, the only good thing they did was keep zombies. Black Ops zombies had to be one of the only aspects of the game that I actually enjoyed besides the time period, which has now been changed (idiots.) Zombies was rejoiced by zombie freaks everywhere in the first game, I mean, playing as President Kennedy, Nixon, and even Castro, you can't top that. But what I'm thinking is that they're going to alter Zombies some how and just make it as big of a let down as the second Black Ops. If it were up to me, I would just buy Black Ops 2: Zombies. Not the whole game itself. 

So it's up to you, the reader, will you go out and buy this sad excuse for a game, or will you save your money for another game that actually looks worth its while? Because, I don't know about you, but I know that October 16th (yes I have the date memorized) Bioshock Infinite comes out and let me tell you, it looks a million times better that BO 2.   

Were Probably Back And Maybe Better Than Ever?

Hey, wow, so long time no see.
None of us have been present on here in a long time and I mean long time in internet years. Here's the typical excuse; we were busy. In all seriousness though, school has really eaten up a lot of our time. All four of us are entering the big senior year and we have been pretty focused with after school things and grades, all that good stuff. But hey, what time is it? Summer time! (High School Musical reference, I'm really sorry about that) Anyway, it's summer time. We will have ample time to post about games. So look out for reviews, upcoming game posts, and some Let's Plays!
This isn't the last you've seen of us. We'll be back.
They always come back.