Podcast #1


News for the new year!

So I've been doing some hard work lately, and because of it, we get a podcast! That's right, soon, you'll be able to listen to me, Cassidy, Kamu and Emalie talk about games, tell jokes, and just do whatever we want. Trust me, it'll be entertaining. If all goes well, the first one should be up on January 1st. Fingers crossed! Also, the third episode of "Let's Play: Saint's Row the Third" will be out sometime in the next few days.

Let's Play Saint's Row the Third Ep. 2

Merry Christmas! I brought you a Let's Play!

On My Christmas List

Well, I'm on vacation in New York but I still feel the need to post considering I haven't in a while. On every gamer's Christmas List, there are a few good games for a lot of good reasons. Here's the most often requested for Christmas as of this year and I'll even give you a few of the game's I asked Santa to bring me!

Most Asked For Santa To Bring:
  1. Battle Field 3
  2. Modern Warfare 3
  3. Saint's Row The Third
  4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations 
  5. Gears of War 3
My Christmas List:
  1. Batman Arkham City & Arkham Asylum 
  2. The New Harvest Moon for DS
  3. Just Dance 3
  4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
 Now here's a surprise, I asked for.. ugh.. an XBOX 360. Okay, I know. I'm COMPLETELY pro-PS3 and even if I do get an XBOX, I'll still pledge my allegiance to my PS3. But XBOX has a lot of specifically, only-for-XBOX games (Left 4 Dead, Fable, Viva Pinata - haha) that I would love to try out and, hey, review for you guys! So it'll be all good. I'll still love my PS3 the most, but you'll get more posts from me! We all win!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Gaming! 


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Episode IV, A NEW HOPE It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Pursued by the Empire’s sinister agents, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy….

Also I can post now.

Sincerely, History's Strongest #1 Employee

I'm dumb

So I just realized that if you were to send me a steam game (see my last 2 posts for details) you would need my e-mail address. Well, it's wonkyace@gmail.com Feel free to e-mail about other stuff, like suggestions or questions about the site. Thanks!

tl;dr for my last post

Send me a Steam game for Christmas and I'll Let's play it as a gift to you, regardless of how good/bad the game is. My Steam name is wonkyace7. Send me a friend request, I accept them all.

Christmas! i.e. Help!

Riley here. So Christmas is coming up, and you know what that means? Gifts! Here's the thing; I want to give you guys, the people that read this blog/site, a present for Christmas, or Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate. Obviously, I'd start a new Let's Play. But, I'm poor and can't afford any games. So, I'm calling upon you to help. If you were to buy me a game, I'd Let's Play it. Even if it was terrible. I'm not guaranteeing that I'll beat it. But you'l at least get a few hours. So, it could be a terrible game that could end up being funny, or it could be a great game that I'd love and would definitely be funny. But I need you guys to supply it. Of course, it does need to be a pc game. The easiest way to do this is through Steam. My steam name is wonkyace7. Send me a friend request. I accept them all. And, if you feel generous and want a new Let's Play, send me a game. Happy holidays!

New Lady Gamer!

Hello, I'm Emalie!
Cassie and I have been playing video games together since we were eight years old when we first met. It all started out with Jak II and Sly Cooper. However, on Jak II we just threw people in lakes and stole their cars! Now, we play the big kid serious games, like Call of Duty (Soap is our Scottish prince) and we plan to live together in New York City, where we shall have a successful career in video games! It's pretty awesome and exciting.

Overall, I'm looking forward to sharing video game greatness here on Kill-Screen ;D

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

We hope you guys understand that it is the winter months and the majority of the team will be doing family stuff or traveling so there might be a lack in postage on here. Until we get back on track, heres a heart warming Christmas picture to tie you guys over.