
Ok, so I have some news. First of all, I know there wasn't a Weekly Arcade this week. That's because I was busy filming and editing some new Let's Plays. Second, there are some new Let's Plays coming out very soon. Two to be exact. Also, there are two people editing these, so it will take less time to get content released. Third, you can now follow me on twitter @RileyHooper to get updates about the site, like when new things are released, or when new content is being made. It's great! Also, you can stalk me, and learn about my personal life! Awesome!

Weekly Arcade 9/14/11

I'm alive! I apologize for the lack of updates lately, but I, along with Cassidy, have been very busy! Nevertheless, here is the first episode of a new series where I'll go over what games came out on the xbox live arcade each week. Expect these every Saturday or Sunday, and enjoy!


More News!

In my last post I hinted at a new series of videos revolving around Metal Gear Solid. It was going to be Let's Plays. Unfortunately, after playing through half of Metal Gear Solid since that post, I have come to the conclusion that a Let's Play in that game would be a terrible idea. It is a game wrought with cutscenes, which are harder to commentate on, since I don't want to talk over any of the characters. Gameplay happens in short spurts, so I just wouldn't have enough time to be funny or entertaining. I am still working on a few other things that should work though, so keep checking back for more.


So I've been gone for personal reasons, one being school starting up, and I'm really sorry. I don't know if I'll finish the Childhood Games posts just because things have gotten so hectic around here and with school it's going to feel impossible to put anything up. Now and again I will post, but for now I'm taking a small break just to adjust to the flow of school.


I just wanted to let everyone know that there won't be a Zelda episode out today. That's because I'm working very hard on two new series that will start somewhere in the next few days. Here's a hint: Steel Cog Liquid